Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Perils of the Bottle - Preached at GGC March 25, 2012

The Perils of the Bottle


I do not know if you have noticed this when you're watching local news on TV. There is a rise in vehicular accidents, involving both motorcycles and automobiles. As I watch the morning news, I would hear of vehicles bumping into other vehicles, or of vehicles hitting non-moving objects like electric posts or concrete barriers. Now, accidents do happen. Even I get involved in vehicular accidents. However, what is alarming is that many of the drivers involved in these accidents, according to investigators, had the smell of alcohol lingering in their breaths. We have been taught that when you drink alcohol, its better not to drive. If you plan to drive, then don't drink in the first place. It is because driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely hazardous. Your judgment plus your physical capabilities are greatly impaired.

However, alcoholism not only causes vehicular accidents. Alcoholism is often the reason why homicides and sexual crimes are committed against others. In terms of health, Alcoholism has caused many people to suffer from liver illnesses such as hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. In the United States, it is reported that one in four hospital admissions is the result of alcohol abuse.

I am sure you know what I am going to talk about today from the Book of Proverbs. It is a topic that I have never really heard many churches preach on. I do not know if it is because someone's sensitivities might get trampled upon, or because we think its not a problem among people who come to church. The reason why I believe I have to share this somewhat sensitive topic from Proverbs is because alcoholism is a real problem that has affected not only non-believers but even believers in Christ. The fact that the apostle Paul, prior to telling the Ephesian Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit, had to warn them not to get drunk with wine or alcoholic beverages, implies that there were people in the church who were indulging in drunkenness and this had greatly and adversely affected their behavior.

If you were to ask me as to what is my conviction about drinking, I would tell you that I do not find drinking alcoholic beverage to be outright wrong. Instead, it is drunkenness that is the problem. It is drunkenness that is condemned in the Bible. Also, I am of the opinion that when the Bible talks of wine and fermented drinks, these drinks usually have some alcoholic content. Now, I base my conviction on what I have read from a reliable Bible Dictionary. Now, does my understanding of wine and fermented drinks in the Bible mean that I am giving a blanket endorsement of drinking? Am I saying that the Bible teaches that it is all right to drink alcoholic beverages?  No. I do not think that the Bible endorses drinking alcohol when you could easily drink water or milk or juice. I do not think that it is absolutely all right to drink alcohol. At the same time, I do not think that the Bible condemned drinking alcohol. What is condemned is drunkenness.

Before we look into the Book of Proverbs, I would like to share two Bible passages with you. The first passage is from Deuteronomy 14:22 to 26. The passage is all about setting aside one tenth of one's harvest in order to bring it to the Lord as well as to partake of God's blessings in his presence. In verse 26 we read the following: “Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice.” From this particular verse, one can surmise that God does not really prohibit people from partaking of alcoholic beverages. However, we must realize that this statement is not a blanket endorsement for partaking alcoholic beverages nor does it give permission for people to get drunk. God allowed the people to partake of alcoholic beverages within the context of feasting in God's presence, and it would have probably been done with the Levites and priests keeping things from getting out of control. If you drink a glass of red wine or champagne during a wedding reception because you are celebrating a joyous occasion, I do not think that would constitute as a sin, provided you don't end up getting drunk or that you just take one glass and no more.

Another verse I would like to share with you is a passage from the New Testament, 1 Timothy 5:23 – “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” Now, some people have taken this passage and twist it to mean that its alright to drink. Again, the context is important. The passage is addressed to Timothy who probably has some health issues and Paul was telling him to drink a little wine so as to cure his illnesses. It is sort of like something that had happened to my father when he was still young. My father had some health problems and he went to the doctor. The doctor prescribed him to drink one bottle of beer a day for a certain period of time, I think no more than one week. Now, I do not know exactly why the doctor prescribed beer, but the purpose was purely medicinal. My father never drinks, and I can imagine the agony he went through trying to finish one bottle of beer. For the mothers here, after you bore a child, you are given bottles of iron-rich wine in order to help your body recuperate. Drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed if there is a clear medical purpose associated to it.

In the book of Proverbs, I found three reasons why we should not let alcohol take control of our lives. However, there could be more than three. What I am going to state now are what I would call as the obvious reasons as cited by the Book of Proverbs. If you have never ever touched alcohol in your life, then today's message is a warning for you to not even try at all in the first place. For those who have the habit of drinking, today's message is a warning for you to either stop altogether because it is already an addiction that has you in bondage, or to be more responsible in keeping yourself from getting drunk.

Reason # 1: Alcohol Can Lead to Poverty

Proverbs 21:17

He who loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich.

Proverbs 23:19 – 21

Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path. Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, 21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

The author of Proverbs rightly observed that those who indulge in alcohol to the point of drunkenness usually end up poor. It is because they spend whatever money they have for drinking. Those who work in the morning and drink after work, spend whatever money they could actually save up for their future. Others just spend the whole day drinking. I have seen people in urban poor areas having drinking sprees even before the sun has set. These people have become poor because they have chosen to become drunk rather than be responsible to go out and work or to at least make a living. For those who drink regularly, I want you to do some math. Take the number of bottles of beer or bottles of liquor you drink every week and multiply it by the price of the drink, then multiply it by four. You will arrive at a figure which is the total amount you've spent on drinking in a month. That money could have been spent for something better. You could have put that money in the bank or you could have used it to buy more food for the family. You could have saved that money in order to buy something for the family or for yourself. By choosing to drink, you actually impoverish yourself and your family because you bring home lesser money or you use up whatever money you have just to maintain your vice.

A survey was done in the U.S. to determine the causes of homelessness in the U.S. It was discovered that 38% of people who are homeless are alcohol dependents. Alcoholism is responsible for making people poor. It renders people incapable of working. It eats up whatever money one has. Therefore, don't let alcohol become your master or else you will be driven to poverty.

Reason # 2: Alcohol Impairs Judgment

The second reason why we must not indulge in alcohol is because alcohol can impair one's judgment. In Proverbs 31, the mother of King Lemuel gave this sound advice to his son  – - “It is not for kings, O Lemuel – not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. (vv. 4 - 5)” Lemuel's mother knew that, for his son to be a godly and wise king, he must never allow alcohol to have control over him. In fact, the requirement for a king is quite high here. He is not to even drink or crave for alcohol. His mind must not be clouded as an effect of drinking.

When someone is drunk, he is usually in a state where he can no longer judge between what is right and wrong. When a person is sober, he will not go about doing things that would violate his conscience. He will not do things that would violate other people. But when a person gets drunk, the line between right and wrong is blurred. Lots of bad things happen as a result. Studies conducted in various countries reported that many domestic violence incidents are related to alcohol use. For instance, in Uganda, 52% of the women who experienced domestic violence reported that their partners had consumed alcohol. In India, 33% of abusing husbands use alcohol. Alcohol abuse has also led to the increase of teenage pregnancy as the state of drunkenness makes them lose their inhibitions and restraint all too easily.

While the proverb we just read was addressed directly to King Lemuel, its application is actually universal, meaning it applies to all people, and especially to Christians. We must not allow alcohol to take away our ability to think and act wisely and justly.

Reason # 3: Alcohol Destroy Lives

Proverbs 23:31 – 32 

Do not gaze at wind when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.

Thirdly, alcohol destroys lives. In Proverbs 23:32, drunkenness is compared to the bite of a snake and the poison of a viper. Excessive alcohol in one's body functions like poison. It destroys people's internal organs. People who drink excessively suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, heart problems and so much more. However, more than the physical suffering, alcohol destroys lives because marriages are wrecked. Children of alcoholic parents are deprived of the care and love that they should be having. Others fall victim to drunken drivers who are reckless. According to a U.S. research, between the period of 1982 and 1993, more than 260,000 deaths in the U.S. were alcohol-related. More than 300,000 people were injured in crashes where the police reported that alcohol was present.

In Proverbs 23:34 – 35 we read, “You will be like one sleeping on the high seas, lying on top of the rigging. 'They hit me,' you will say, 'but I'm not hurt! They beat me, but I don't feel it! When will I wake up so I can find another drink?” People who drink have a false sense of security. They feel as if they are invincible. This explains why drunk people are reckless. Alcohol gives them a false sense of courage which leads to danger, danger to the drunk as well as to those surrounding him. Alcohol also makes people violent. Do you know which song, when sung in a karaoke bar, often results in violence and death? It's the song, “My Way” by Frank Sinatra. However, I don't think its about the song itself that is dangerous, but the context wherein the song was being sung – by people who were drunk and surrounded by others who were drunk. This explains why violence takes place when people have too much to drink.

Alcoholism destroys lives. Don't be a fool to think that you are invincible and it won't happen to you. The Bible has warned that it is like the poison of a viper. Don't allow alcohol to destroy you as well as those who surround you.


I have shared my personal conviction that drinking alcohol is not wrong; rather it is drunkenness that is the problem. The Book of Proverbs warns us against allowing alcohol to control our lives. I think we are clear about these points. I know that some of you may then argue that since you are a moderate and responsible drinker, then you're ok. Well, let me say that the answer is “no”.  Paul, in Romans 14 warns that all of us have to give an account to God on how we live our lives. Are we putting up stumbling blocks along the way, causing others to fall? We may have the opinion that drinking isn't bad, but other believers may not feel the same way. They don't agree with my point of view or with your point of view? So, what do you do? Do we keep on drinking because it is our right, or do we refrain because we don't want people to stumble in their faith on account of us? Paul also wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:23 that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. We should therefore not seek our own good, but the good of others. Will drinking alcohol really benefit me? Will my drinking be good for other people? Think through those questions before you ever think of sipping alcohol. Another reason why I don't think we should drink alcohol comes from a letter that I found from a website. It is written by a person named Jeanie who has lost five people who are closest to her due to alcoholism. Let me read her letter.

I have no idea where to start as my heart is deeply grieved and broken as I lost a cousin yesterday who was like my brother and best friend. Tommy died from drinking so much that he was bleeding internally and by the time they got him to the Hospital yesterday he died, it was too late.

I lost a brother in 2005 to alcohol and Heroin - he was murdered. I had a friend just last month take her life ... she too was an alcoholic. I lost an uncle in 2004 to liver failure and liver cancer from drinking alcohol and his younger brother, my other uncle was drunk and fell and hit his head and it killed him.

My other uncle that was related to the the above who was the youngest out of all of them over-dosed by shooting up. My aunt is an alcoholic and so is my Mother and Father, The ones I am talking about above are the ones who are all related to each other as sisters and brothers and cousin. My heart feels like it has stopped beating and every day I feel like I cannot breath. The loss is too much and overwhelming. I used to be one of them and the Lord pulled me out and cleaned me up back in 2003. Because of the Lord I am alive and I am being healed more and more every day. Addiction is not a drug or alcohol problem it is a heart issue. When we walk in deep rooted pain we use what is available to dull the pain which leads to death. When pain lives in the heart it leaves room for the invitation of addiction.

The only one I know who can clean up a life and heal a wounded heart is Jesus Christ. I do not know where I would be today walking through death after death when it could and should have been me right along with them.

From the letter, it is clear that some people drink because they want the pain that they're experiencing in life to go away. Isn't that what drugs and alcohol supposedly do? Its supposed to help you forget your problems even for a while? Unfortunately, its all temporary, and its nothing more than escapism. Instead of turning to drugs and alcohol, why don't we turn to Jesus? What are the pains that you are feeling in your heart right now? Don't turn to alcohol. Don't turn to drugs. Don't turn to anything the world is offering that will ease the pain. I invite you to turn your life to Jesus. He is the one who can help us in our time of need, in our time of pain. Jesus invites us all to come to him and to cast our anxieties upon him and he will help us. Alcohol can't help you solve your problems. It can't lift your burdens. Only Jesus can.

Brothers and sisters. I invite you all to seriously consider the ill-effects of getting drunk on alcohol. Alcohol leads to poverty. Alcohol impairs judgment. Alcohol destroys lives. I am sure we can all survive and flourish in life without having to drink a single drop of wine, strong drink or beer. It is God's will for us to be filled with his Spirit, much more than being filled with the spirit of alcohol.

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