When Praying Seems Difficult
- Alexander UyRomans 8:26 – 27 (ESV)
26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
Have we ever found it hard to pray, like the words just evade you and you can't express yourself? I know this feeling. I've been through it quite a number of times especially during the seasons of life that I feel abnormally sad and listless and I wonder what is happening to me. While I read the Word regularly, it seems that they bounce right off me, having no effect whatsoever. While I try to pray, yet I am unable to pray with the right words. During these moments of being “stuck in the mud”, I sometimes wonder if God understands and knows what I am going through.
The apostle Paul most likely felt the same way at times, yet he discovered an important truth that helped him through tough moments. In Romans 8:26 – 27, Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit helping us in our time of weakness. One way in which the Holy Spirit helps us is in the area of prayer. The Holy Spirit is interceding on our behalf and He understands even the groanings of our hearts. When we don't understand what we are going through, rest assured, the Holy Spirit knows and He is bringing us before God's throne of grace, knowing that we are in need of help. He also prays in accordance to the will of God, an assuring thought as this means His prayers on our behalf are sure to be answered as they will not go against God's will for us. And it is because the Holy Spirit is praying for us according to God's will that all things then work for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28).
In the moments when you are weak and you don't know what you ought to be praying for, hold on to the truth that the Holy Spirit is praying on our behalf and He is helping us in our time of weakness. He is indeed our advocate, our helper!