“Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. . . O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.”
2 Kings 6:16, 17 (ESV)
COVID-19 pandemic has struck fear in the hearts of a lot of people. There are those who are fearful of the
financial and economic repercussions that the lockdown has brought about. For them, there seems to be no relief in
sight for their financial woes. Then
there are those who are afraid of being infected by the disease for which there
is no vaccine available as of the moment.
But even
without this disease, we are prone to becoming fearful. We fear for our present situation. We fear about the future. We fear for our safety. We are anxious about the performance of our
stock portfolio. This is because our
hopes have been misplaced in things that are uncertain.
Elisha's servant was afraid for his life when he saw the army of the King of Syria surrounding the city of Dothan. From a numerical standpoint, he knew that Israel would be no match for the Syrians. If Syria succeeded in conquering the city, it would signal the end of his life as well as that of his master and of all the residents of the city. It seemed to be a dark and ominous certainty than just being a mere possibility. Yet, we find his master, the prophet Elisha, calm and unperturbed by the presence of the Syrian army. As it was early in the morning, Elisha may have been enjoying his breakfast while watching the massive swarm of soldiers readying themselves to attack the city and to capture him.
Why was Elisha calm even though there was a great reason to fear? It was because he recognized an important spiritual truth, that those who were on his side were much more than those who oppose him. Elisha was referring to the presence of the LORD and His massive and far superior army of angelic beings. This servant may have been unconvinced by Elisha's answer; thus, Elisha prayed that the LORD would open his eyes. Then, the servant saw for himself that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha (2 Kings 6:17). God was protecting Elisha as well as the city of Dothan. There was indeed nothing to be fearful about.
God's presence with His people during this time of crisis should ease our fears. God has not abandoned us; He continues to be with us to comfort, to strengthen, to embolden us. He will protect us. We need only to trust that God is able and is willing to protect us. We need to stop trembling in fear and to start praising the LORD for His presence and protection; choose to believe that the LORD is on the side of those who acknowledge and fear Him. If God is for us, who can stand against us (Romans 8:31)?